Join Me At BoucherCon 2023

BoucherCon is the World Mystery Convention, and since it is practically in my backyard in San Diego, I am attending this year.

Even better, I'm on a panel! I didn’t make my mystery writing debut until my first story was published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine last week, but the con committee was still kind enough to seat me on a panel: "And Now for Something Completely Different: When an author writes very different styles of stories."

Given my paucity of credits you might mistake me for someone who wandered in off the street, but I will do my best to brass it out. I will be joined on the panel by moderator Tammy Kaehler, writer and illustrator Dale Berry, writer and television producer Phoef Sutton, and New York Times best selling author Heather Graham ... so if nothing else, maybe some of their success will rub off on me.

The gist of the panel is to discuss the many different styles of mystery stories, from novels to comic books, television, film, and games. While my mystery credits are as-yet on the thin side, I've written for video games and comics for forty years, including original properties and licensed IP for Marvel, Disney, Middle-earth Enterprises, Warner Brothers, and the Robert Ludlum estate. I'll try to sound smart!

The panel is on the very first day of BoucherCon, Wednesday, August 30th, starting at 2:00 PM in Marriot Grand Ballroom 1.

If you're at the panel, stay after and say hello, and if you are going to BoucherCon but can't attend my panel, please let me know so we can connect later in the show!


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